
The NOA is supported by


Our DVD, " Holme Bird Observatory – A Year" makes a great present, and is now available at the new bargain price of £5.00 including postage and packing. Click here for more information.

We also have a range of fleeces, sweatshirts, polo shirts and caps at very reasonable prices.

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We are delighted to announce that we will be welcoming visitors back to Holme Bird Observatory from Monday 13th July 2024, and we are very much looking forward to seeing you once again. Thank you to all our members and visitors for your patience and understanding during this difficult time.

Please be aware that we are not yet able to restore full access. Some restrictions must continue and these are as follows:

Hempton Marsh and Walsey Hills reserves will be re-opening to visitors on 13th July, but hides on these reserves will remain closed.

At Holme the following hides will remain closed for the time being: Redwell Marsh hide, Car Park hide, Sea-watching hide, Dell hide and Broadwater hide. The Bus-Stop, Dowson and Richardson hides will be accessible to one household at a time, and the viewing platform and seating area outside the cordon will be available as well, with social distancing in place.

The Observatory building will also remain closed to visitors, but a member of staff will be able to come out to meet you.

We do regret that for now visitors will not be able to empty moth traps with our staff, but we will retain specimens of special interest for visitors to view at a safe distance.

We will continue to charge day permit fees.

We are very sorry not to offer a fuller visitor experience just yet, but these measures are for everyone's safety and we do appreciate your understanding. We will continue to review hide closures, and will post any changes on our website

This is a polite reminder to all our members that our subscription rates have increased from 1st January.

If you pay by standing order and have not yet done so, please amend your standing order to the new rate. details are on this page

We are small charity reliant on the generosity of our supporters through membership subscriptions and donations. Why not become a member. For a minimum of £25 you can get all the benefits of being a member of the NOA. Just click the button on the left. Or, if you would like to support us with a donation, it is very easy to do

Could you help out at the Obs ?

We are looking for volunteers to support our wardens in the day to day running of the reserve.

For more details please follow this link

Sedge Warbler
Sedge Warbler by Karla Otta

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As we turn to enjoying wildlife in our gardens and on local walks nature is continuing with its normal pattern. Some of our summer visitors are already arriving, and butterflies and moths are starting to emerge in the recent good weather.

To read an account of the 2024 Sponsored Birdwatch click here

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Many thanks to Chris Mills of Norfolk Birding for his continued financial support of the NOA.


Our 2018 Annual Report is now available to buy from the Obs for £5.00, or by post for £5.00 plus £2.00 postage and packing

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